14 August 2018: Mission Not Complete

What is crazy about all of this is, my mission here is not complete yet. I know that God has more for me to do before I leave, so I am just waiting for the next instruction. As some of you may know and have seen, I never reached my financial goal for this mission. I have learned over the years to work with what I have until more or better comes along. But I believe in this mission and the children that music needs to be in their lives. There are a lot of personal financial situations that arose while being here that I have learned to live through, but I know that this mission and myself are in need of your final support. Yes, I am asking for money, but I hope that those who thought to give and couldn’t or forgot would reconsider this being the home stretch in completing what I need to. What is interesting about all of this mission is, I taught music without keyboards. I taught the fundamentals as well as songs to complement with minimal equipment. When I say I was working on less than 30% of what I projected, I would not be exaggerating. (Check my website and see the numbers, kenneshamichelle.com/missiontokenya). There were times that I had a moment to question what I was doing, but I kept pushing and asking God what I needed to do. Sometimes, it would come in the need of someone doing a task that I was able to do and then, I could clearly see how God was orchestrating everything. THIS MISSION HAS BEEN A WALK OF FAITH LIKE NEVER BEFORE. I did not know why God would want me to come here and for a time He did, but I was obedient enough to let go of so much for a greater purpose. I want to not only leave with them the basics of what I taught but a means to build upon this foundation. I have learned that in missions if you arent giving those who you are serving a roadmap to build upon what you have provided and to follow, then your missionary work was in vain. It isn’t about helping for the moment, it is about empowering others to cultivate, pursue, develop, and execute with clear steps in excellence. NOW, that’s leaving a legacy and helping generations to come. If you have followed my journey, then you have seen the video and photos to back up what I have been doing. I’m still in Kenya and I will finish strong!

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