Happy Life Christian School - Lord Prepare Me

18 & 29 July 2018 – Teaching “Lord Prepare Me”

  • July 18, 2018
  • Music

So today, I taught Classes 6 & 7 in music. I introduced the concepts of rests (quarter, half, and whole) with their knowledge of the notes. I also reviewed the C Scale, Solfege, and Seven Sur. That took me to my time. Well, I’m blessed that when I’ve taught this class to be given more time. Just 10 minutes makes a difference. I taught this song again but this time, I felt that I needed to break it down. Simply amazing, God was showing me even as I was speaking that these words aren’t just a song, but a prayer. I told them about being prepared and how the school prepares you for What you want to do after they graduate. I told them in this prayer that you are asking Jesus to live inside of you, to be a living epistle. I told them that a living epistle is the Bible walking on the earth. We become what the Bible says and that prayer is allowing God to make you pure, and holy. I talked about being tried and true. True, in the sense of not lying. I referred to it as a test ( They use the word exam) in school. I asked them when they are taking their exam, does your teacher talk to you? They answered NO. I told them that when you are in an exam in your life, God is not speaking. All the preparation you did is for the exam/test. I talked about thanksgiving, that in this prayer they should be thanking God for What they have and thank God for those who He places in their life and school to prepare them for What God wants them to be and what they want to do after high school. know I said a lot more, but I pray that those extra 10 minutes of teaching them to sing the song as well as understand the words will impact their lives and their lives in speaking to God more intimately and in a relationship. God told me after I got hear to teach this song. I’ve been doing that for the past 5 weeks I have been here in some form. The words are so simple but God has even shown me the weight they carry. Life here is not as complicated and the words speak so much about communication, sacrifice, preparation, commitment, and relationship.
I pray that if you have read this to the end that this has even blessed you.

Below is a video of just the children’s home students singing the song.

One of the things God told me to do was teach the children the song, “Lord Prepare Me.” I remember waking up one more and having the song ring heavily in my ears. I remember hearing the children sing in harmony in my dream. It was loud, full, and very angelic. Not only did I teach the song to the orphans and school-aged students, but for Classes 6 & 7, the Holy Spirit laid it upon me to break down some of the words while I was teaching it. In essence, the Lord revealed to me that this song is like a prayer. You want God to prepare you for more, you must be tested and true to come out on top. This life isn’t easy but there are some things that we must overcome. I pray that God continues to keep all of these kids and that they know they aren’t alone. They are being prepared for something far greater than they can imagine.

On July 29, 2018, the kids sang as a choir for the first time and at a Sunday church service. My prayer is that what was started is built upon and that they not only sing but grow in understanding music, how it works, how to read it, and how to interpret it.

So, without further ado, here is the song from Sunday’s service. My goal was to have them sing this in 3 part harmony before I traveled back to America. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. I am hoping that when I do go back, I will be able to achieve this and more.

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